Lithe Audio - How To Customise Bluetooth Name & PIN Code

Lithe Audio - How To Customise Bluetooth Name & PIN Code

Craig Walker |

If you are planning on having multiple Lithe Audio Bluetooth speakers within your home then its a good idea to rename the speakers so that you know which one you are playing music to!

Looking to secure your Bluetooth speaker with a customised pin code so others can't connect? Lithe audio also allow you to do that.

How to Change Bluetooth Name on Lithe Audio Speakers

  1. Download and install the Lithe Audio Bluetooth Set up App (avavilbile on the App Store and Play Store)

  2. Connect to the speaker via Bluetooth

  3. Open The Lithe Audio App

  4. Set up a new admin password (Take a screenshot so you don't forget) This password is just for the settings, not the Bluetooth.

  5. Click Rename or Change Pin, enter your admin password again and then click "Rename Your Speaker"

  6. Select a name from the pre set list or create your own name

  7. Once done, click update and allow your speaker a few moments to update

  8. Open your Bluetooth settings, rescan and you should see your newly named speaker

How to Change Bluetooth Pin on Lithe Audio Speakers

  1. Download and install the Lithe Audio Bluetooth Set up App (avavilbile on the App Store and Play Store)

  2. Connect to the speaker via Bluetooth

  3. Open The Lithe Audio App

  4. Set up a new admin password (Take a screenshot so you don't forget) This password is just for the settings, not the Bluetooth.

  5. Click Rename or Change Pin, enter your admin password again and then click "Change or Remove Pin"

  6. Toggle Pin on, Enter a pin and click "Set Pin" (Take a screenshot to help remember the pin)

  7. Once done, click update and allow your speaker a few moments to update

  8. Open your Bluetooth settings, rescan and your speaker should ask you for the pin before connecting